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Update (Server Update 11.08.22 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Fixed the previews disappearing when the cursor points at certain Premium squads in Logistics. Visual effect of recoil when shooting from the following weapons while aiming down sights has been reduced.

Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Animations and interface fixes.

Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

Making Enlisted a Better Place №22

Making Enlisted a Better Place №21


Fixed errors in the mission and interface.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №20

Each update of "Making Enlisted a Better Place" focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.

Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Fixed a bug with flamethrower kills.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №19

Update (Server Update 07.07.2022 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Fixed the death camera and engineers got shovels.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №18

Update (Server Update 01.07.2022 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Balance correction for the following missions.

Server Update 30.06.2022

In this fix, we have eliminated micro freezes while purchasing various items and other actions involving expenses from your balance. The fix is relevant for all platforms.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №17

Each update of "Making Enlisted a Better Place" focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №16